Monday, January 25, 2010

I Say A Little Prayer For You

For those who have known me more than a minute and a half, you'll know that I have a great dislike for people who tend to be unnecessarily rude. To be quite honest, they just plain drive me banana sandwich. For example, this morning, I am sitting in the window seat of the bus, and scrunched over as far as I possibly can be. Well this girl gets on the bus, and flomps down in the seat next to me, and as she did so, she swung her bag in a way that it crashed into my arm/elbow on her way down. I don't know what she was carrying in there maybe a huge cinder block or something, but it was hard enough to leave a bruise on my arm. I look at her, and she looks at me for a half second, and then turns away. No apology, not even the 'oops' face. There is no way that this girl could have NOT felt the impact from her bag hitting me.

Here is where I'm finding my time with Jesus is doing some great changes in my life.

Normally, I would have said "Oh excuse me!" In a voice that sounded like, "Thanks for making a dent in my arm with your heavy fricking bag, lady!". This time, I did one of my therapy breaths, and instead - I said a prayer for her and then I said one for me. I felt much better afterward.

Same thing with people on the phone at work. There are times when people call in on the phone, and are already swinging at you. They are short with you, yell at you, call you names, down your intelligence, or plain hang up on you. Some days it's all I can do to NOT be like, "Excuse me, I don't know if you know this or not, but we have never met before, and I am NOT the cause of your issues, so could you please talk to me like a fellow human being?." Again I'm learning to take a deep breath, say a prayer to myself, and let it go.

This is something I've found myself doing more and more lately. Instead of getting mad, which just turns into a downward spiral of irritation and turns me into "Samantha and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Day", I take a breath and say a prayer.

I'm finding myself praying all the time these days.

It's a good turn in my life, and definitely is helping my blood pressure!

(by the way, I really love run on sentences)

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