Monday, May 14, 2012

Today, I feel like a writer.

Usually I feel a little bit like a fraud when someone asks me my profession, and my answer is "I'm a writer!" I mean, I haven't been paid for anything, but I have done volunteer writing; and it is the profession I most dearly wish to be in. I just keep thinking, if I continue to say it, eventually it will really come true.

I'm not sure why today, of all days, I feel like a real writer.

Maybe it's because I spent all of Saturday laying in the sun at Green Lake reading my Poets & Writer's magazine (and highlighting all the various contests I could enter).
Maybe it's because I'm about to write my first ever Pantoum (I don't think I've ever sat down and attempted an actual 'form' poetry other than Haiku).
Maybe it's because I've been doing all this school work (I'm in the process of getting an AA and am doing a lot more writing because I have to) the last 5 months.
Maybe it's because I'm soon to launch my first ever writer's website, and am actually trying to find ways to break into the industry.

Whatever it is,
Today I feel like a Writer.

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